Cubew 18" Cutout

Discussion in 'DIY Speakers and Subwoofers' started by audiosq, May 6, 2017.

  1. audiosq

    audiosq Just joined the party

    May 29, 2013
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    It says the substructure woofer cutout out for the RS 18" is out of stock. Any chance the SI cutout is smaller and I could just make it a little bigger? If not, any idea when the version for the RS 18 will be back in stock? Thanks!
  2. audiosq

    audiosq Just joined the party

    May 29, 2013
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    In case anybody else is wondering, the RS 18" fits in the SI version of the box. I got the SI cut out for the interior and exterior portions of the box. According to Eric the inner cutout is the same and the outer one is a little bigger on the SI box, but it isn't bad. Especially if you paint with something thick like Duratex.

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