Some general questions.

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by audiosq, May 29, 2013.

  1. audiosq

    audiosq Just joined the party

    May 29, 2013
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    Hello all. I've always had a soft spot for horns and I think it's time I've built some. I've had some in a car audio install but never a house. Given that, I'm still pretty ignorant about them and may say some stupid stuff. Here goes. My first question is what is the difference between the waveguides size? For example, the EOS-8 vs the SEOS 12? Does the larger mouth allow the horn to be crossed lower? Does it produce a wider stage? A more accurate direction? What are the advantages of one over the other?

    Also in looking at kits. What's to be gained from say the from the fusion 12 over the fusion 10 (pure or max) Is it just bigger and louder or... ? Thanks for any info. I'm a bit overwhelmed with which kit to go with.
  2. tuxedocivic

    tuxedocivic Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Ladysmith, BC
    Basically right. The larger mouth/width allows it to hold directivity lower, and can match the beam width of a larger woofer. At least, that's basically it. There is more to it, but that's the bottom line.

    The 12" kits will have some more output due to the larger woofer size and hold directivity lower as well.

    The 10" kits should cost a little less and be smaller. Also, there's the subjective question of whether or not a smaller woofer makes a nicer midrange sound.

    Picking a kit really should be about.
    1. Budget first and foremost. Don't get sucked into upgraditis. Decide where you stand and find what works for you.
    2. Size requirements (if none, go big).
    3. Performance requirements. All of these kits are real performers. But some have different advantages.
  3. audiosq

    audiosq Just joined the party

    May 29, 2013
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    I hadn't noticed the 10" kits and the 12" kits used different compression drivers as well. I'm assuming the 360 is an upgrade over the 205?

    My budget is pretty flexible. I'll have to save longer to get a better kit, but I'm ok with that. I'm tired of building things only to feel it isn't "good enough" and already thinking about what to upgrade it to the week after it's built. This build is intended to satisfy me.. at least for a while. I'd probably still build smaller things with the kids, but I want to be able to watch a movie or listen to music and actually enjoy it instead of thinking how I want to upgrade the speakers.

    I'm not sure of the size requirements. There are none as far as I'm concerned, but I certainly gain points with the wife if things are smaller. They will end up in a game/media room so I think m wife will be ok if they are large since the room is more about fun than looking nice. I could be wrong on that, but.. it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

    As far as performance. I want to be wowed for a change. I've built a lot of more budget minded things like the Amigas and thought "it sounds good for the money" but I simply want to think "it sounds good" (and hopefully not cost a lot of money :p)
  4. tuxedocivic

    tuxedocivic Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Ladysmith, BC
    It sounds like you ought to go with a 12" design. Maybe the 2512 design or the Fusion 12.

    Choosing between the designs is a little bit like splitting hairs. And the 360 is considered a better compression driver. Personally, I really like the DNA-205 on the SEOS12. It's a killer combo.
  5. audiosq

    audiosq Just joined the party

    May 29, 2013
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    That's the one thing I hate about DIY. You can't listen/compare speakers before you buy them (at least most of the time).

    When you say you like the DNA-205/seos 12 combo.. are you simply saying it's a great combo or are you implying that you think it's a better combo than one with the 360?

    I'm happy to pay extra, or at least I should say willing to pay extra, because really the peace of mind is worth the couple hundred bucks. I'm also a cheap skate so if we're talking a very slight difference that I'd probably never notice unless I have a golden ear then I'm also happy to save a couple hundred bucks, and go a little smaller to please the wife.. and just because something is bigger, or deemed to be higher quality doesn't always mean it's better. Have you heard both designs? (The Tempest and the Pure) If you have what would you say are the differences in their sound.

    Thanks! You've been very helpful.
  6. tuxedocivic

    tuxedocivic Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Ladysmith, BC
    I haven't heard the tempest, but I did design the Pure, and have heard quite a few SEOS implementations.

    The 360 is still better than the 205 because its more capable. I would however say if you don't need the capability (lower cross over) then the 205 is better. That probably just confuses you more so let me put it straight - 99% of the time the 360 is the better option.

    If you wanna be sure you have got the best, think tempest. Or maybe Fusion 15. I'm really proud of the Pure. I like it a lot for what it is. But it can be beat there's no way if claim it can't :p But the differences are in that minute difference range where I personally save my money. But I'm probably a cheaper skate than you.

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