Subwoofer kit opinon

Discussion in 'DIY Speakers and Subwoofers' started by Chris Collalto, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Chris Collalto

    Chris Collalto New Member

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Sorry guys, i'm sure you get this all the time. I've decided to build a kit sub, and i've narrowed my choices to the Ultimax 15 in 3 cubes sealed, or the Dayton reference 15 in the Ported 15 cube, which lists the tuning frequency of 21hz..
    When i model both in Winisd, the UM comes in about 30hz, and the Reference at 25. So, close to the advertised 21hz of the enclosure tuning. I want thunder! lol I will use it for 80% HT and 20% music. Any opinions or first hand experience? Also, i will be using a 500 plate amp. Thanks!
  2. scary

    scary Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2017
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    I just built a Parts Express 15" Dayton RS390HO kit in a sealed 3 cube box with a Dayton 500 Watt plate amp. My room is about 18 X 28, open to hallways and a kitchen, 10' ceilings. It is paired with a sealed Rythmik (sp?) 12" er. My impression is that the Dayton could do the job by itself. I have gain set to about 40%, and it sounds really good crossed at 80Hz. I have not used the Ultimax, but the HO is really good. And it requires a smaller box.
  3. Chris Collalto

    Chris Collalto New Member

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Out of curiosity why the HO versus the HF? The HF modeled better sealed than the HO iirc. I'm obsessing over ths way too much. I can show you what i did if you want.

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