5.5 inch Anarchy Woofer

Discussion in 'DIY Speakers and Subwoofers' started by NWCgrad, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. I am thinking about testing the new Anarchy 5.5 inch woofer for a quickie project.

    On the website their isn't info on their size and T/S parameters. Are they available?
  2. This would seem to be pretty important information for anyone wanting to buy this woofer.

    Does anyone have the T/S specs, sample frequency response and dimensions of the driver?
  3. I have the specs somewhere but keep forgetting to get them listed on the site. I think Bill Waslo tested the 4 ohm model and Pete Schumacher tested the 8 ohm model.
  4. Any update on this? Been looking at these drivers for couple years now and no specs?
  5. I grabbed one of these from Erich when I visited his shop recently, here are the specs from my DATS V2:

    * Piston Diameter = 109.2 mm
    * f(s)= 57.2 Hz
    * R(e)= 7.099 Ohms
    * Z(max)= 59.49 Ohms
    * Q(ms)= 4.171
    * Q(es)= 0.5651
    * Q(ts)= 0.4976
    * V(as)= 6.92 liters (0.2444 cubic feet)
    * L(e)= 1.35 mH (1kHz)
    * n(0)= 0.2185 %
    * SPL= 85.5 1W/1m
    * M(ms)= 13.79 grams
    * C(ms)= 0.561 mm/N
    * BL= 7.891
    * K(r)= 0.1284
    * X(r)= 0.4617
    * K(i)= 0.01453
    * X(i)= 0.673

  6. Thanks!

  7. Any measurements for the 4-Ohm version?


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