Most Speaker Kits - Temporarily Out of Stock

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by Erich H, Apr 18, 2021.

  1. Would it be possible to purchase the Titan high frequency 2 way assembly (Waveguide and speakers) to use as a surround speaker?
  2. From the product page the woofer-mid xo frequency is 350 Hz which isn't really low enough even for surrounds.
  3. Well I asked if we could use a smaller woofer like an 8" or 10" for a surround, but I need the wave guide and woofers. Specifically the waveguide since it's not available anywhere. If the crossover parts are not available I can most likely use a minidsp to test it out.
  4. can we please get some kind of general status update on inventory? i am on the fence as to whether to just abandon my woofer project that i hoped to use the Kuda 15" cabs in.
    MDuyck1292 likes this.
  5. I also wanted to check-in. Would it be possible for the site to have in-stock notification capabilities so I can just get an email when things are available?

    I built my LCR's and I've been looking to make my new surrounds and front upfiring atmos speakers for the last 12-18 months. I try to check periodically but I am sure I've missed out.
    I want a pair of volt 10 atmos kits and a pair of volt 6 angle kits (I wish you offered a volt 8 angle pack)
  6. Any ETA's on availability? No worries, just been quite a few months since the last update.
  7. I've been putting a decent number of kits in stock as parts come in but they don't seem to last very long.

    Overnight Sensations are in stock.
    S2000 MTM's are in stock
    S2000 MT's were in stock until a few days ago but they'll be back up Monday.
    Helix, Apollo should be back in stock in about 2 weeks once the flat packs finally get here.
    Quarks are still up.
    A couple HTM-12's still in stock.
    Some HT-12's are in stock.
    Volt-6 and Volt-8's in stock.

    1099's are waiting for ports.
    Titans are waiting for 18" woofers
    HT-8's are waiting for compression drivers.

    Vortex-12's will be back up on the site January 01.

  8. Do we have any ideas on the volt-6 angle packs or volt-10's (and respective flat packs)?
  9. Erich, are there plans to do another run of Magnum 12 woofers?
  10. just in case you did not see them, volt 6 parts are on clearance (no angle flat pack). I bought a second pair worried they may never come back (I already have a pair for sides and need another pair for rears) I plan to make my own cabinets, more work but may be only option right now.

    edit: theres also a note on these that a port is not included. ill probably just source a round port vs the oval.
  11. I bought 4 of them just before Christmas. Not sure what I will do with them but I at least have them!
  12. Just noticed the Helix and Vortex kits have been restocked….
    MDuyck1292 likes this.
  13. I love it. I ordered a total of six of the Vortex-12 kits today!
    m4bgringo likes this.
  14. I second the request for another run of magnum 12 woofers.
  15. Hi,
    I have been waiting in hope for these to come back into stock only to miss them while over seas.

    I wondering if they maybe in stock again within the next 6 months? Could anyone provide some recommends or help please?


    3 x Aggressive 1299
    4 x HT-12
  16. There will be more 1299's up on the site next week. I'm waiting on more baffles for those.

    HT-12's will be in stock next week.

    If you're wanting to use HT-12's for surrounds, I'm assuming your theater room must be the size of a small house.
    m4bgringo likes this.
  17. Just ordered a pair of the HTM-12's to use for Rear Surrounds, just because............. ;)
    The 1099's are being used for Center and Surrounds. :)
  18. Arr no, it 22 by 10 ft. Would you say the HT-8 would be more suitable?
  19. Quick question about stocking (sorry I asked last year around this time as well). I have been checking the website a few times a week on and off and everything still seems out of stock. Is this still the case, or am I missing windows of availability? I can certainly monitor more closely if that is the case.

    Secondly, assuming things are coming in stock and selling right away, does favoriting an item on diysoundgroup send a notification to email when stock becomes available?

    Any forecasts of permanent availability?

    I appreciate all you do, no criticism here; just wondering what the situation and plans look like.

    Thanks :)
    MDuyck1292 likes this.
  20. Hi Erich,
    Any update on 1099 stock availability?
  21. Hi, DiySoundGroup and Denovo. Your products are excellent. Interested in the HT-12, HTM-12, Titan, and larger Vortex. Most of the kits seem to be sold out. How to find what will be in stock and when? How to reserve buy with pre-order or deposit? Please advise. Much appreciated. Thanks
    Martin likes this.
  22. When can I anticipate HT-8 to be available? Is it possible to order HT-8 without cabinet? (so minimize the international shipping cost and customs)
  23. Just posting on what I have seen as I have purchased multiple speakers in the last few months from DIYSG and I see a lot of in stock questions here and I used to be in the same boat wondering about availability.

    I have purchased both HTM-12 (Aug) and HT-8 (Nov) recently. I have seen multiple other desired sets become available in the last few months as I watched the HT series, for example the 1299 came in stock but none maintain stock more than a few hours from my experience.

    I honestly bookmarked the speakers I wanted on my phone and work pc and left the tabs open for the last few months to check at least once a day, normally though 4-5 times. It took 5 months of daily checking, but I just wrapped up my last purchase. If you see it in stock, you have a very short window to grab it.

    I wish everyone the best of luck on getting your hands on your desired kits with all the supply shortages. With daily dedication and a good bit of luck it is possible, at least in my case.
  24. I really hate to be a nag but it's been over a year since I posted and it looks like others have had similar posts as well.

    I really would love to build some volt surrounds to match my HTM lcr's and I guess we're all just hanging here.

    Will there be more?
    Is there just supply issue? cost?
    I'd be willing to prebuy, pay up front to secure a spot. I just want to finish my setup right.

    I don't know that I'd be expecting @eric to be posting every day where things are and I'm sure life gets in the way, but... it's been quite a while now since we last heard and details are sparse.

    Should I stop holding out and start over?
  25. Volt-8 kits will likely be in stock at the end of the week.

    The issue has been crossover parts and ports. All of the circuit boards were designed around specific crossover parts and those parts are a certain size. Changing some parts would require all new circuit boards to be made up. So we decided to wait until we could get the same crossover parts instead. I've gotten some in and in the past 3 months most of the home theater kits have been in stock. The 1099's were set up as a preorder and I will have all of those finalized by the end of the week. The Titans should be up next week along with the 88-Specials and likely the HT-88.

    I've been waiting on ports from Parts Express for some of the kits. If I can't get those ports, the only option is to find new ports and recut every cabinet for the new ports. There's a lot of issues that happen when exact part numbers are hard to get. PE was out of the 2" adjustable ports for months last year. That one port knocked out 6 kits. I have ordered a very large quantity of custom stuff so we can keep things in stock longer, but those parts won't be here for another 1.5 months. Supply chains have been a big issue and solving them has taken almost a year and lots of money to bring all the parts in house.
    kurt kuszek, MDuyck1292 and m4bgringo like this.

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