WTB single Vortex-15 kit or complete speaker.

Discussion in 'Classified Section' started by Pilk, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. #1 Pilk, Jan 16, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023
    Looking for 3 but would be happy to find 1,2 or 3. 7pilks@gmail.com

    Edit...2 found...need one more. Would also consider a Vortex 12 kit or complete speaker. Thanks
    MDuyck1292 likes this.
  2. There are two on the AVS classifieds right now for sale.

    Pilk likes this.
  3. Thanks Mickey...I saw those (I think we're talking about the same ones) but they are complete and on the coast. I'll double check.
    MDuyck1292 likes this.

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