General SEOS/driver wave guide

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by xecluded, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Greetings,

    Do we have some SEOS/driver waveguide combo that is similar to the "EWave" projects. I have a few different low frequency drivers that i can try. Thanks.

  2. The SEOS project is an offshoot of the Econowave project. The SEOS12 is a good replacement (upgrade, I'd say) over the Econowave standard waveguide, almost fits in the same cutout. The D350 and D360 drivers are similar priced, but significant improvements over the Selenium Ewave driver (D350 and D360 are quite similar in response to the DE250 used in Econowave Deluxe).
  3. Cool. What would be an "all out" upgrade waveguide to match well with D350/D360. My cabinets are 5.5 cf and I have various pairs of 15, 12 that i can play with. Can you also send me link to the crossovers schematics that you recommend. Thanks.
  4. The crossovers for the Econowaves are listed under Zilch's big threads on the PE forum and AudiKarma.
  5. So i can just use zilch crossovers with seos/drivers - no change needed to make them optimum. Thanks
  6. Personally I'd want an optomized cross over. What woofers do you have? It's possible a design has already been done to match the SEOS.
  7. I have a pair each: 10" Altec 406, 12" Altec 414, 12" Electrovoice EV-SP12 and 15" AE TD15M. Thanks

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