Deciding which SEOS Waveguide set to get

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by wormraper, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. yeah, we have a crapload of that stuff lying around after re-insulating our kitchen from some water damage...

    nice bike... I I ride a nighthawk 750, it's my main mode of transportation... gotten so used to riding on two wheels I feel claustrophobic in a car
  2. Haha, nice to hear someone else knows what this is like. In university I rode a bike as my main transportation and got that same feeling in a car. Almost felt less safe, trapped. Hilarious.
  3. LOL, I know the feeling, feels almost safer since I have more mobility than being trapped in the car :D

    on a side note, I got my buddy excited about the Delta Pure's too and he's gonna order a trio too :D
  4. The compression driver is firing about 1' 5" above the base of the speaker. So in your situation it would be about 4.5' off the ground.

    I think you should try the Delta Pure and don't over thing will be surprised at the upgrade from what you have now.
  5. sweet potatoes. yeah, I'm trying not to over think it. I'm just one of those crazy people who searches and searches and searches for the best deal, drives my wife crazy. and I'm just about 100% set on the delta pures as it is. just have to wait for new years so I can order away :D
  6. oooooooooooook, It's been a while. I'm Still gonna get the delta pures (I just had my heater die on me this year and had to drop $9k to replace it with a dual heating cooling heatpump so my budget took a hit for a while.)

    Now I'm thinking of doing the delta pures as my LCR...BUT I noticed the addition of the new fusion 8 Alchemy MTM... now that type of design FITS better in my situation (but it's not a big deal if I have to use another pure as my center) and was wondering if it's tone matched to the delta pure line.... and if so would it be better to use anohter pure or go with the MTM?
  7. best to match all 3. if going with the Delta Pures get 3 for LCR. it uses a different CD and Horn so it wont be a direct match. however i believe Erich and Jeff said it prob would be fine
  8. that's what I thought. just thought I might get lucky

    last but not least. how BIG of an improvement is the Fusion 12 tempest over the 10 inch pures? I always see everyone over at AVS go with the tempests or the 15 inch monsters, never seem to do the 10 inchers. I'm just wondering if I'm really losing a lot by going with the pures
  9. I have the Delta 10 Maxes as well as the tempests. They sound similar but the larger woofers play lower and have better bass and midrange output when running full range. when running with subs crossed in the 80-100 Hz range its really hard to tell them apart
  10. Now THAT is exactly the kind of comparison I wanted to hear. I'm using these for HT so they'll be crossed over at 80hz in the receiver to pair with my twin THT's. so it sounds like the Delta pure 10's are the way to go then. Ok, glad I'm sticking to my original budget
  11. I, too, debated the bang-for-buck. I opted for the Fusion Max, in case for some reason I need to use outboard amps in the future and want to send 300 watts to them. I also feelt better getting the larger compression driver. But honestly the Delta Pure or Karma 10 or Karma 12 would've been just fine.
  12. well, I sold my Polk Monitor setup today so It's do or die time! off to place an order. quick question to anyone in the know. I know eric was backlogged a few months ago but much time delay ESTIMATED before they ship? (meaning are they available now)
  13. I hate to ask the "comparison" question again. but the Cheap thrill setup is actually looking even CHEAPER than the Fusion Max's OR the Pure's (and using the same CD as the Max's). is the Celestion driver good enough that it actually is = or surpasses the fusion Pure/Max's??? if so I have the room for them and if they're cheaper and perform a bit better it sounds like a steal. any advice by those who've heard them? (also remember I'm using an 0nkyo 605 receiver so it's not like I'm gonna be feeding them 200+ watts of continuous power)

    also noticed that the Fusion pure/max are both ported while the Cheap thrills is a sealed design, so I don't know if that affects the decision at all either
  14. Hey wormraper.

    As the guy who designed the Fusion 10 kits and is really proud of my work, the Cheap Thrills is a killer value right now. I like to be as impartial as possible when people ask for a recommendation on these kits. Until those buyout woofers run out, that's bar none, the highest value on this site. And I consider the Pure a very high value. If you can accomodate the size of the Cheap Thrills, then fill your boots.

    The strikes against it are:

    Replacement woofers won't be around forever
    Additional materials require to build such a large cab
    Doesn't quite reach the performance of the really high end 15" designs

    That's it.
  15. lol, yeah, I was talking with Eric over on AVS earlier with a few others. I actually put my order in for L/C/R of the Cheap Thrills today. the value seems unparalleled for the price. my parts express part of the order shipped today and I'm impatiently waiting for everything to ship. and lucky for me my buddy ordered a trio today and he has access to a CNC machine so that will make this soooooooo much easier on the cab building parts.

    as for the replacement driver issues. yeah, that would stink if one goes out :(...

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