S/EOS Speaker Kit Comparison Matrix

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by eyleron, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. S/EOS Speaker Kits/Designs Matrix(I posted this on the AVS thread but I thought I'd post here too) Since I'd already started a grid of SEOS speaker kits I was considering, I thought I'd keep adding to it the rest (ones that are overkill or too expensive for me) and share the spreadsheet. It might help a few people as they try to compare the designs. I know there will be big changes coming up that will make this easier on the site that will obviate this spreadsheet, but for the time being it might be useful.

    Google Drive spreadsheet of SEOS Waveguide Speaker Kits Comparison Matrix.

    It has conditional formatting marking the missing items in yellow, where we're missing a couple woofer specs, speaker sensitivity or crossover, or the cost of the DNA-205 (not that the latter really matters).

    I bolded items I thought might be of interest as an "upgrade" over the prior version, but I know some of that is debateable. I can remove the bolding if it just confuses/clutters.

    I hope this might help people in the meantime until there's a product/design comparison matrix. Ideally, I think it'd be nice to be able to expand or contract the woofer's detailed specs, as I know it can be overwhelming or meaningless to many people. Would a directivity index number suffice?

    I'd also like to know more about the compression drivers and list that, but I haven't tried to hunt that down yet (e.g. what do I get by going from 205 to 250 to 360?).I'll add links to dedicated design threads.As I'm pretty new to this (speaker building and theory), I'm sure there are items I could eliminate, and some I should include, so feel free to chime in and advise!
  2. Re: SEOS Speaker Kit Matrix

    Eyleron: I just wanted to speak up in this thread and say thanks. It's been a huge help for me keeping all of the designs straight. Hopefully before long Eric can integrate this table or something like it into the main site. But for now, this is a great resource. I hope you continue keeping it up and the various designers can provide you with some of the missing info.
  3. Re: SEOS Speaker Kit Matrix


    Thanks for the post. Very handy collection of info.

    I would recommend adding the Vas spec to the T/S data. Usually, the minimum requirement to simulate a woofer is Fs, Qt, and Vas.

    With Vas included, one could simulate the the low frequency capability of any of these systems without having to look up the T/S data elsewhere or deduce it from the given data.


    - James
  4. Re: SEOS Speaker Kit Matrix

    You're welcome, and I'd be happy to add Vas. Be sure to suggest new designs. I was thinking of including EOS-8 and other non-kit designs too.
  5. Re: SEOS Speaker Kit Matrix

    Vas added.

    Also am adding the other designs to the spreadsheet.
  6. I don't know if it would be considered useful to include in the spreadsheet but I'm interested in firming up my understanding of the coverage patterns of the various sizes of seos waveguides/kits. It seems pretty common for PA speakers to list their coverage pattern, ie 90x50 or 80 degrees conical, etc.

    I'm given to understand, perhaps incorrectly so, that the SEOS-12 should be ~90 degrees horizontal x ~40 degrees vertical but I'm not sure about the other models, especially in the vertical. I would feel better if there was some kind of official spec for coverage posted by the SEOS experts.
  7. When this was going to be just the SEOS kits, it'd would be a little redundant because I think all the coverage patterns were the same 90 x 40.

    However, I did include an EOS-8, so I can see how the coverage pattern would be useful.

    And if I linked the SEOS-ribbon horn, it may have a different coverage pattern?

    Also important is how low in frequency directivity is maintained. The larger the horn, the lower the frequency of pattern control.

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