Karma 8 vs. Fusion-8 Alchemy

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by nichhk, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. I'm thinking of building either the Karma 8's or the Fusion-8's.
    They will be paired with two anarchy tapped horns.

    I understand that the Fusion-8 has a better waveguide, CD, and midwoofer.
    But does anyone know how substantial the difference is between them?
    There's not much information up about the Fusion-8's :(
    Thanks guys!
    BTW, This will be an upgrade from the Overnight Sensations
  2. How does it impact your budget. The biggest difference is the waveguide and CD. The woofer is better, but I wouldn't say its a big jump up. I haven't really seen any documentation on the fusion 8 either. Jeff Bagby doesn't put up as many measurements as Matt does. I'd go for looks and budget, unless those really don't matter to you, then I'd go for the Fusion 8 because of the better CD and WG.
  3. I'm able to spend more money for the Fusion 8's, but I want to make sure it's worth the extra $70.
    Yeah, I was looking at the design, but as I was adding all the parts to my cart, I realized that there are no premade baffles for that design :(
    Unless I could purchase those separately??
  4. The fusion 8 baffle should accept those parts. I know the celestion woofer cut out fit my eminence alpha8 woofer perfectly. I can't see why it wouldn't work. As long as you can buy it separatly. Cause that speaker would be pretty good I think.
  5. Ask Erich I think he has all the parts for that one including baffles. It was meant to replace the current Karma-8 (Original "MTG-08" design) allowing Erich keep just one identical enclosure size for all three 8" designs. If I remember correctly he had said someone else had asked about it and ordered a pair.
  6. Thanks for the tips, guys.
    I just asked Eric if he has the kits available.
    I'll let you guys know how it works out.
  7. I'm in the same boat. I've been bugging Erich about the Fusion vs Karma 8. I actually want to order the original MTG-08 kit because I really like the look of the wave guide. However, it does not appear there is a way to get the flat packs for the MTG-08 or they're not listed. The Karma 8 kit with the EOS wave guide isn't listed yet either but the flat packs are. Still waiting to hear back from Erich on what's available and how to go about ordering. Hopefully I'll hear something soon :)
  8. I emailed EricH, and he said he has the kits available, but they're just not listed yet.
    So he had me order the original MTG-08's and then just put in the comment section of the order that I want the updated version with the EOS-8.
    You should probably email him before jumping the gun on that, though.
  9. Thanks, just shot him another email. Hopefully I'll get the green light to order them.
  10. edit ignore

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