Volt Coax Cube - Too Much Stuffing?

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by mdheller, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Hi all.

    I'm working on a series of four V-8 Volt Coaxial cube speakers to be used as surrounds. These are my first attempt at DIY speakers, so I've been going on what I've read on this and other forums and making up the rest as I go. But I've reached a point where I'm not sure I've got it right, so I'm looking for input.

    Based on what I've read, I decided to use R-13 insulation as the stuffing (it's easy to find, easy to work with, and generally considered a good option sound quality-wise). But the insulation is 3" thick (the interior of the cube is 10.5"x10.5"x10.5"), so it doesn't leave much room for the speaker and basically no room at all for the ports. Is this correct?

    I could easily peel off a layer or two of the insulation to make more room. I could also compress the insulation down a bit to make the ports fit and leave the rest as is. Any recommendations? Should I remove some of the insulation? Or is it good as is?


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  2. If the speaker is ported I'd take some out. Insulation is what I use as well. It'll split in half real easily.
  3. Thanks. The speaker is ported, so I guess I'll take out about half all the way around. That should leave more room for the ports.
  4. Hi--The fuzzy pink fibers worry me. Could maybe get in around the voice coil, suspension and all those types of parts. Maybe other filler dampening stuff hangs together better.

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