Fusions vs JBL vs Klpsch

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by llcooljeff, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. Curious... went to a home theater store this morning and heard the JBL Synthesis 1400 arrays and couldn't believe how much I like them. Granted, they are $3000 a piece (or more) but I'm wondering if the Fusion line of DIYSG speakers are going to have a more similar sound to these than the Klipsch horns I'm familiar with?
  2. Depends on the Fusion model most likely. But I'd think closer to the JBL. The modern Klipschs aren't very good. They usually have a combination of woofer break up and a ragged tweeter response leading to an edgy bright sound. Not a clean but bright sound either, that's somewhat ok depending on ones taste. No, the Klipschs are an edgy sound up high. I can't remember the JBL model I demoed recently, it retailed in the $1k per pair range, but it was a nice sounding speaker. Quite good. In that particular demo it was the best sounding of quite a group. The closest thing to it was a $2k per pair KEFs. So what I'd saying is JBL makes good speakers, even though they can't shake their Pro Audio reputation. And I'd say the Fusion speakers strive for that level of fidelity. Which is high fidelity :)
  3. Thanks Tuxedocivic. How many Fusions have you heard yourself? I'm wondering how somebody who has heard them all would characterize each's sound, strengths/weakness, etc. Or maybe a better way to ask that question is how does the quality of sound change as you go up the spectrum of Fusions?
  4. I've heard all the 10" designs and the Fusion 12.
  5. Just read on AVS that ÿou actualÿ developed the Fusion 10... So, ÿou're the man to ask! Would ÿou mind describing the difference between the two?

    If ÿou can't tell a certain keÿ on mÿ keÿboard just died...
  6. Hahaha, sorry about your keyboard issue :)

    Difference between the JBLs I heard and the Fusion 10 Pure? Or something else? I haven't heard the $3k JBLs you heard.
  7. Oh, sorry, meant would you mind describing the difference between the Fusion 10 and 12's you've heard.
  8. The Fusion 12 is a pretty laid back sound. Really full sounding with more bass than the Fusion 10. That's probably the biggest difference is the bass, it digs deeper. So if you like to cross to your subs low, or possibly run without a sub in a pinch, they'd be pretty good for that. The Fusion 10 is more 'flat' sounding, as in the frequency response is flat. The Fusion 12 has a down tilted response, the 10 is flat. So the high frequencies bring out some clarity IMO. Size wise, the extra 2" makes for a much bigger speaker than I expected. The Fusion12 is really big. So if size is a concern remember that. I had the 1099 and Fusion 12 right next to each other and the Fusion 12 was bigger feeling, despite the 1099 being taller. I haven't really found the limit for max output on either speaker, but if you listen very very loud, the Fusion 12 will have more output capability, especially down near the sub XO if using say a 60hz XO. 10" vs 12" just a no brainer there. The dual 10" designs will have more output than the 12", so...

    That's the best I can do really. Hopefully that's helpful.

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