Any New Speaker Kits on the Horizon?

Discussion in 'DIY Speakers and Subwoofers' started by LuisV, May 27, 2016.

  1. I noticed a couple of new speaker kits on the DIYSG website and I'm trying to see if there are more on the horizon. One kit has a ribbon tweeter and another has a fabric dome... any other kits in the works? I believe one of the designers developed the acclaimed Statement speakers, so very curious if there will be a kit for those speakers. :cool:

    Will Matt's Nexus project make it into a kit? Any plans for new Cinema type speakers with ribbons or fabric domes? :cool: :D

    I know I know... so many questions, but I've had my current speakers for 20 years, so before I swap them out with 893s and Volts as surrounds, I'm curious as to what else might be on the horizon as I don't mind waiting just a bit longer... :rolleyes:
  2. Yes, there are more of the traditional dome tweeter designs coming out within the next month or so, including the Nexus.

    Ribbons might not the the 'best' choice for a full fledged cinema speaker, but there will be some models available either way.
  3. Thanks for the reply Erich. I kinda figured that ribbons wouldn't be a good option for HT speakers; however, I'm curious what else was on the horizon. The Nexus speakers peaked my interest prior to building the 893 center as I've been a traditional dome tweeter listener for decades so that is what I know. :cool:

    A final thought before building the 893 towers was to go with 1099s as mains and use the 893 center. I went with the 893 center due to a size restriction. I asked Tux over on AVS, but haven't head back as to 893 towers vs 1099 on short stands with the 893 center. Thoughts?
  4. Do you have an ETA on the Speedster kit? Curious if you will be adding the ER 18 MTM kits and/or any of the Statement kits?
  5. I just need to add up costs on the 5 new kits. Hopefully that will get done this weekend. I'll be looking at the Statement kits in a couple months to see what's involved in those cabinets.
  6. Which statements are you considering?
  7. I'll probably start with the smaller models first.
  8. Those are likely the ones I will look at first.
    LuisV likes this.
  9. So as a guess, an ETA for the Statements and Nexus kits around August?

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