Separate names with a comma.
Hello all. You may have noticed that I've not been posting much or keeping up around here lately. I've had a bit of a health "adventure". I...
fyi, I heard these several years back at MWAF and they were one sweet sounding set of speakers. And really nice cabinet and veneer.
I thought it did subjectively, but no formal test. Didn't bowl me over, though. I liked them well without foam, already. I haven't been...
Tom, The docs, such as they are so far, are at . New boards #6, 7, 8, are for connecting the main panels when...
Hi Tom, Yes, all dimensions are as if lying flat. The 1.250 is distance from center of midrange mounting position to vertical (as shown)...
Hi Bruce, Seems like that might work. Crossover for that might take some work, though, (three-way) and will require measurements to get right.
It might do that if the big inductor is open, too (or one of its connections isn't really making it). You can check that with a DC resistance...
Kerry, if you use an actual Lpad, just put it in place of R8 and R9, no other value changes. 50w size recommended. The other resistors aren't...
Crossover diagrams aren't as difficult as they look. Once you know what symbols are resistor, capacitor, and inductor, then all the remaining...
It might take it a notch down on the bang per buck (bpb) competition, but I think the Celestion TF1525 will work in there, too. Not as much Xmax,...
JohnEP: Your summary (and all the posts in the development) are here:
Brinkman, You could probably come up with a crossover that works at 900 Hz, but you'd have to do some modeling. You can't usually just change a...
0.707 * (1.4/1.0)
So, how about a listening review on Big Daddy, Maxphan?
hmm.. I better open the two I bought, they're still boxed...
^ | | what he said (thanks, mtg90) On the question about a design with dual matched 15" mid-woofers, I have to ask.... why?? Unless utterly huge...
Well, 1: I dunno, depends on how close you listen. 3/4" sounds like a lot, but work out the trig. The lobe seems to point about 10degrees...
The capacitor works at a pretty low frequency, so I doubt a mylar would be audibly different from an NPE. The biggest issue with NPEs (IMO) is...
A few people have asked me about this, so here's some info on it. As usual, the design was done with the woofer and SEOS12 mounted on the same...