Separate names with a comma.
You can find some of Erich's fine flat packs for sale individually at Parts-express.
You might want to check where you made the exact same post. I'm not trying to be unhelpful. Many members here are members there.
I knew a 15" would dig deep, but I figured you needed a 15" designed for that purpose and you needed a big box. My Dayton Audio Reference 15 is...
Hmm, I'm out of my league here for a sub with those specs. You might want to ask on in the DIY section and see if there is something that...
Audyssey MultEQ is a simple way to automatically equalize and calibrate your home theater system to overcome speaker placement and acoustical...
I know what the build article says, but the VBSS is really a mid-bass module more than a true sub woofer. It uses an 18" 8 Ohm PA woofer. is...
FYI I built a pair already and they sound fantastic. The Cheap Thrills have a mid range to die for. Voices are uncannily realistic sounding. It...
Muhammad, you didn't say which Fusion speakers you got, but It sounds like you got Fusion 8 or bigger. Fusion 8 as L/C/R and Volt 8 surrounds...
OK, that helps. I am not an authority on the Volts so it would be better if Erich would weigh in and give you some more specific advice. In...
Mr. Mubashar, are your setup needs for the Volts the same as Mr. Kefref in the first post? If not, could you tell us in what way you would use...
Is the DE250 the same compression driver as the DNA-360? Could the lack of detail be in the crossover components and not the HF driver itself? I...
Well, nobody cries over numbers on a spec sheet! :p When your speakers turn you on, do you return the favor? :D +++ Here is someone doing the...
Bergarth, did you read the thread on the Fusion 8 towers elsewhere in this forum?...
Hi bergarth. I have to admit I haven't heard any of the speakers I suggested, so if they sound bland I probably just didn't realize that. You...
I think an outstanding setup within your budget would be either 3 Cinema 8 2 Cinema 8 with a Fusion 8 Alchemy center 2 Cinema 8 with an 88...
Hey Dave, I got four of the speakers you advertised, but you shorted me one full kit. (less flatpack) Since our deal was five for $125, can you...
I see we're LIVE! on the new site as I went through the DIYSoundgroup FORUM link. My login here was routine, no issues. I might have lost a...
Country Roads Take me Home
Have you sold the OS yet?
Fusion 8 Center recommended I know I'm late to the party, but I know a guy who has both the Fusion 8 center and a $2500 top of the line Klipsch...