Separate names with a comma.
I'll get information posted about the new waveguides as soon as I can. I had them made up about 1.5 years ago, possibly longer, just no time to...
Extra Information.
Different models and recommended use.
Hyperlite™ Coaxial Information A joint project between Eminence and DIY Sound Group. In 2014: A group project started to make some of the best...
Just in case I can't figure out how to insert another post up there.........
- Vortex-12 Crossover Information - PCB Layout: [ATTACH] Parts needed: [ATTACH]
Here's the PCB layout: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Vortex Speaker Kit Information For more information and history about the Hyperlite™ coaxials used in the Vortex please click this link. Note on...
You shortened those directions down a bit. :) Instructions: ************** Note: The crossover components are non directional or non polarized...
I know they did switch frames, but the response looks pretty similar with the drop at 450hz.
We did look at that Kappalite a couple years ago. If I remember correctly it would only do good up around 600hz or so. They used to have a MB...
I'll get that option listed tomorrow. I wasn't sure how much to make the 'hold' option per woofer. Any ideas?
GROUP BUY RAFFLE! Whenever I do a "Group Buy" I always like doing a raffle for people that participated. I wasn't sure what made sense for this...
Enclosure recommendations from MTG-90: (I'll update this with more info later) Sealed Home Theater: Home theater subwoofer: Sealed boxes from...
I thought it would make sense to put all of the information on these 15's in one place. How did you come across these? I was at Eminence...
That speaker kit rarely gets ordered, probably due to cost, so I haven't done much updating on the product page. An assembled crossover was...
The Maximus-12 was originally designed for 2 channel music, the Titan was originally designed for home theater. I wouldn't go by reviews when it...
The first set of custom coaxials made changes to the spider and surround. After the first run of those I talked to Eminence about getting black...
I'm not sure it's gone forever, just deciding if I should get more parts for it. I think another reason the HTM-6 doesn't get ordered very often...
The HTM-6 has been up for over a year. Unfortunately it rarely gets ordered and is probably the least ordered speaker on the site other than the...