Separate names with a comma.
Thanks, I'm undecided on the trim rings as I kind of like them as is. o_O Was hoping to build stands today, but as luck would have it, mother...
I finally have a trio of 893s! Woohoo!! After dinner, I'm going to run out and get a couple of growlers filled as I plan to listen, take...
First coat applied... second coat will be applied in the AM. I'll try to take better pictures after they dry. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Add your pictures and info to this thread of start a separate build thread, either way is fine and totally up to you. Regarding your crossover,...
My 2017 New Years Resolution is to finish these bad boys. :cool: Hope to have the first coat of Duratex finished shortly after the flat black...
Thanks, almost done! I have the MDF in the basement, so I'll try building the towers during the spring / summer time as I'll have a better table...
Assembled one to make sure the crossover is good... so far two thumbs up! Digging the sound! [ATTACH] Wasn't expecting this for a few days, so...
Drilled pilot holes for the driver screws and speakon connector. Getting closer... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Thanks and I just subscribed to your thread on AVS. Looking forward to seeing your build thread. I didn't over tighten the clamps, but they...
As luck would have it, when we brought the cabinets inside and started to clean up it started to snow. So the cabinets are done for now... lmao...
Second one is glued up and clamped. Now it's time to decorate the tree and then it's cleanup time. :D [ATTACH]
Yea, things happen, but think about it, now I'll be able to compare how they sound sealed vs ported. :cool: 1st baffle glued and clamped. Once...
Hello and I'm glad my thread was helpful. I might have gone overboard with the clamps, but I rather make sure it's clamped well. I left the...
And done for today... second cabinet is glued and clamped. Tomorrow's plan is to glue the front baffle in place. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well, weekends came and went as other priorities presented themselves and I was no closer to building the towers. After a few months of staring...
Very nice Matt! How did you finish the cabinets?
Took a little longer than they should have as I was crazy busy in the office; however, they are finally done. Hope to spend some quality time...
2nd coat applied. HD was out of flat black spray paint, so I used q-tips to cover the driver recess. I'll check them in a few hours to see if...
First coat of Restore 4X applied... ran out of flat black, so before I apply the second coat, I'll pick up a rattle can to give the speaker recess...
Getting closer... all sanded and ready for a few coats of Restore 4X. [ATTACH]