Separate names with a comma.
Yep , was a real pain to put the front section of Silicone on , especially with the insulation already in. I had to move it out of the way and...
Made some more progress this weekend , hoping to get a coat of Duratex on them later today. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Does the whole waveguide need to be covered like I've see the geedee's or could the foam be placed down into the throat closer to the cd exit?...
could this work.
I got started on them this weekend , and window bracing it is! I also plan to add a brace down the back/center between the two windows and tie the...
Hmm, I thought the dowel way would be easier than doing all that jigsaw cutting , but thanks for your insight.I won't start building the boxes...
Thanks Java,I too will be going with the pink stuff. On another note I've been rethinking the window bracing now I'm just considering 1" Oak...
Thanks for the suggestions....but -Closest Menards :( CAPE GIRARDEAU 535 SIEMERS DRIVE CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO 63701 Get Directions > View...
Thanks MTG, I looked around HD and Los and couldn't find the denim stuff. Looks like we have to use the itchy stuff in the deep south.
Got the xovers done last night I'll link a good pic of one Edit 12/8/12 there was a problem below on this xover pic see the final pic for the...
Side and front removed view.
Okay, so here is the plan. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves as they do a better job. I'll be using the Eminence 2512/DNA 360/SEOS-12. As...
Yes, If your useing the deltalite "2" that's what I see around 2.27cf. I had to modify the parameters in winisd from the default deltalite 2512 to...
Here's the cone excursion and SPL plots for 2512 deltalite 2 in a 2.27 ft3 pushing only 100 watts, very impressive.
Agreed! I also just played around with it in winisd just to see what you guys was looking at, looks like I will soon be "deafer" than I already...
If anyone has already done this Help! :) I'm modeling the 2512 in unibox and am hitting xmax at 47watts in a 1.9 ft3 cabinet sealed? I was...
Same thing I've been thinking, I could always go back and add ports if desired. Yes on the sub, I'm running one Kappa VQ 12 I built about 3 years...
Thanks,as of today it's going to be sealed. Still have a couple weeks until I get all the parts together though! :-\ :)
Java, I really appreciate all the details you put up on your build over there,I think I have read every page,great job. I'm getting close as well...
Re: DW-774S/DNA150 + Celestion TF0818 design/build Very nice MTG . Now I need a gun :)