Separate names with a comma.
Crossover points on that one are 450hz and 2200hz. Not a Zobel on the woofers, the resistor just damps the 2nd order filter softening the knee...
Rockwool would be the most effective of those, if you are not opposed to using it regular fiberglass would work as well. I do have crossover...
You are correct the ported Volt-8 does has more extension in a similar or smaller cabinet then the sealed Volt-10. If you are not going to be...
Sorry for the delay. The Volt-6 has essentially no BSC While the Volt-8 and Volt-10 have about 2.5dB. Since placement near boundaries is likely...
The limiting factor for depth is the compression driver and waveguide which is 5.5" on the HTM-6 and about 6" on the HTM-8 so you could probably...
The waveguide in the titan design was an existing product so no custom tooling was needed. I am sure if a mid/tweeter waveguide like you...
I'd suggest the Volt-10's for that, they will sound the biggest of the three. The Volt-10 should be a pretty big jump from the volt-6 in terms of...
The HTM-6 is 13.5"h x 10"wide x 7" deep. I don't really know what the dimensions of the HTM-8 will end up being. My guess is somewhere around...
Here is photo showing HTM-12, HTM-10 and HTM-6: [IMG]
Still don't have a sample for the woofer that will be used in the HTM-8, it will likely end up being a totally custom driver from Eminence. Good...
1. While this speaker was not technically designed for any specific genre of music I think it should give you decent results with those, bass...
It's hard to tell, do you have speakers in those locations now? If so do they lack mid bass? Chances are if it's a bad location for mid bass...
Corner loading these might make them too bass heavy, you are going from 2pi to 1pi which can give an additional 6dB of output at the low...
A 40-50hz passive high pass for a ported speaker is very difficult do. Passive crossovers that low in frequency require very large values which...
If these will be powered by the AVR a highpass should not be necessary as the drivers will be safe from over excursion damage at AVR power levels....
Thanks, For surrounds any of the popular choices should work well, Volt's, Fusion, HTM's or more Titan-615's. :D There isn't really a surround...
More info... Here is a measurement showing low frequency rolloff, the original graph does not represent the LF performance below 100hz that well....
Official thread for the Titan-615 and Titan-818 designs [IMG] This design was conceived while I was down at Erich's shop helping him with a some...
Running the sealed volt-6 with an 80hz crossover should not be a problem on AVR power, you just won't get as much output out of them at <120hz as...
I'm not totally sure there is enough depth there for the coaxial to be placed at the bottom of the enclosure. I have a feeling the compression...