Separate names with a comma.
There are no crossover differences between the difference cabinet/baffle configurations. The main thinking here is that the exact positioning and...
Yes that is correct.
The Volt-6 would be more then enough to keep up with your Klipsch mains and it's smaller size and weight makes positioning and mounting easier....
Yes the port flares are a decent length themselves. The proximity to the front of the cabinet is intended, it increases the effective port length...
Nice photo editing, that is how it's supposed to look. The crossover for the tower version might not be a direct drop in for the center...
A volt-6 in a sealed box will roll off around 120-130hz no matter how large the box is made as that is just as low as the rolloff of that driver...
No issue with the 0.47 ohm resistor, that was in the BOM because they don't make a 0.5 ohm without spending more for the fancy Dayton one....
It should be ok if you used crimp style female quick disconnects: [IMG] Or did you do something else? You might have to get under the driver...
I have not heard all that many other DIY center channel designs so I can't really say how it stacks up against those, sorry. As for the midrange...
They should keep up quite well as long as you use a crossover of at least 80hz with higher crossover points allowing more headroom. The Volt-6...
Sorry I missed your question, I never really finished the TMW design as I was rather disappointed in the performance of that one because it...
The PR version does not suffer from any port resonances that the ported version might have but it looses some output near tuning in the same...
There are no issues putting the Volt-6 on its side to fit below a screen. You could change the baffle width if you needed to make is slightly...
They will work IB but it is best if you use a crossover setting of at least 100-120hz to prevent over excursion. You should not be able to hurt...
Yes this could work. You may not need insulation above the ports just some around and behind the woofer, leaving the top open to the ports.
No the ported volt-8 needs a larger volume to work well, at very least 0.35cuft and is better with 0.45-0.7 cuft.
Note I have updated the MTMWW tower crossover to my latest revision, see post #5 for the newest info. Component changes are mostly to the...
Yes, the crossover between the mid and woofers is about 450hz in the center and tower designs, that is too high for side woofer placement without...
Fusion-8 is likely better then this design using a better CD (205 vs 150). The Alpha-8 uses a nicer woofer then the Fusion-8 so I expect that to...
I think it is in the range of 25-30lbs, most use a French Cleat style bracket for wall mounting:...