Anyone finished a SEOS 12 ported tower

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by cuzed2, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. I have the major parts on order for a pair of SEOS 12's using the delta-lite II 2512s.
    Curious if anyone has posted a build thread for the ported SEOS 12 towers (I see Erich has listed a baffle for such, however)?
    I have yet to decide if I will go ported or sealed and am looking for a proven design, or build; to study, and then decide...

    Thanks in Advance!
  2. That was mainly for the 12" Designer Series model.
  3. Thanks Erich!
    The more I investigate and learn - the more likely I will be ordering your flat-pak kits for a pair of sealed Deltalight 2512s.
    Curious when you are going to update the offerings, and begin shipments again :) :)

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