Econowave style with LE14a & SEOS12 + DNA360

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by albertli, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. The DNA360/ SEOS12 combo doesn't give any bump at 2k. One member at AK did recommend the following crossover for me, but it is designed for 1.5k n my 14a crosses @900hz. Don't know if I have to lower the crossover point to match ?? Any advice would be much appreciated.

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  2. See how big is the 360 if compares with my little hand. I thought I have to finish the box asap.
    I know the 360/350 size the same n there is no nothing on the driver to tell. Is there any significant features to tell which is which?

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  3. The 360 has gold plated binding posts iirc. The 350 are just metal.

    They have some heft eh :D
  4. Since everything almost the same, I'm thinking if this one sounds good I'd go for the next project with 350/2510.
  5. Paint job is done. Hope I have time to put padding on tomorrow.

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  6. Ryan, Bill & all knowledgeable souls,

    I have my ewave fired up last night for couple hours. It sounded good. The bass n mid bass outline a lot of details with authority. The mids are smooth, rich and admirable. All sorts of vocals sound very real. Piano is on it's size and weight. Violin is so smooth n rich, I love it, love it. The highs are also very smooth n too smooth that I can't hear too clearly there is a triangle n the cymbal, as if the musician are playing at the backstage. Could it be the problem with the Dayton 5.6uf cap, or I have to tweak the crossover ?? Lpad was set at 1 o'clock.
    I've picked the deluxe crossover that I posted at Feb.23 ( high pass- 5.6uf series 4R7, 1mH parallel 2R7 to ground ). Could U kindly give some advice for me to try. I'd really appreciate & would try anything suggested.
    Thanks in advance


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  7. Hey Albert,

    Did you get my email? I sent a suggest via email after you sent me your pm. If it doesn't help, let me know. Good luck.

  8. Ryan,

    Please check pm.

  9. I like speakers that can demonstrate that a piano is a percussion instrument :)

    Nice hardware you got there.
  10. Don,

    I finished some amps and currently using 6c33c otl n coupe with 26 pre. Audionote DAC, n CD pro transport. Sound good to me.
  11. Albertli, sounds like you might need to work on the "CD Compensation" part of the crossover. Can you post the entire tweeter crossover diagram of what you have now?
  12. Bill,

    The following is the crossover I copy from other forum of which Zilch designed as deluxe version for 3012LF.


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  13. Bill,

    I forgot to tell, my LE14a crosses at 900hz. I don't know would there be better to change the crossover point so to match??

  14. Alberti, are you sure that crossover is right? There doesn't appear to be any Constant Directivity (CD) compensation in that circuit, as if it were for an exponential horn rather than a CD type. There should be (usually) a series resistor (10 ohms or so) paralleled by a small capacitor (1uF or so) ahead of the pad to bring up the high treble relative to the low treble - as in the usual Parham/JackGiff Ewave crossover. Or another way to do it is with a small inductor (0.15mH or so, with about a 1 ohm series resistor) in parallel with the tweeter.

    I can see why the highs would droop way down with that crossover.
  15. Bill,

    Thanks for your reply.
    The crossover I posted was copied from Part Express forum. I don't know where to go now since not too many designs are for DE250/DNA360 which is good to work with LE14a.
    I'd rather try the Pi3 before I give up. Pi3 was designed for woofer 93-94db n 14a is 92db n I thought it's close enough, or I'm still on wrong path ?? I heard the good things about 250/360 n this is why I buy the CD to start with. I might end up have to buy a pair 220ti to go with the original design.
    Thanks again

  16. Try the compensation network Bill is describing. It's the same thing I described in my pm. I think I said 4uF and 10ohms or something. Play around. Then worry later. But ultimately, this is what we were saying from the start of your thread, there's no detailed design for this driver combination. Even if you got a 220ti, the waveguide is different. You can't mix and match drivers and waveguides and cross overs. They aren't exactly interchangable. The cross over you have gets you part way there, but not the way a detailed design will.
  17. Ryan,
    Thanks n I have your suggested parts ordered. I surely would try that n report here.
  18. OK. All parts are in today. They are 4.7uf, 2.2uf, 1uf & 0.47uf, with some 10 Ohm & 8 ohm resistors. I will try to parallel them to different value and try tomorrow. will post result.
  19. I had lots of fun last couple days and was very busy in changing parts to compare the different. I started with a pair of 10 ohm/4.7uf, then to 10 ohm 2.2uf, 1uf & the 0.47uf. The sound was seriously distorted on the big numbers, but even the o.47 was worst if compared to the original. I then changed to 8 ohm/ 0.47uf n the finding the same. Any ideas ?? :(
  20. Did you adjust the lpad to compensate for the attenuation from the circuit? Did you put the circuit in front of the tweeter or in front of the whole circuit and tweeter?
  21. I put the circuit in between the crossover & the 360. I did adjust the lpad. I don't know how to tell the sound, it was a bit murky n mix with echos, the bigger the value, the bigger the effect.
  22. I think it would be more effective out in front, first thing the amplifier sees. That's where I've put it when I've used that circuit. If that doesn't work, not sure what to tell you other than you need and optimally designed cross over.
  23. [​IMG]

    which is the R1 series 4.7 ohm resistor in this photo?
  24. Do you mean putting your circuit in between the amp n the crossover.
  25. The drawing is what I am using but not the photo one.

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