Here's "Daniel", a good inexpensive SEOS project

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by BillWaslo, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Very interesting design!
    One question: I see you mentioned a baffle width of 14"
    So starting out with the SEOS12 at the top; I assume you are talking about 3 rows, of 2 NS6's per row, below the SEOS.
  2. Yes, Three rows of two drivers below the waveguide. I will be experimenting with the value of C1 and L4. The driver spacing will be less than in the "Big Mal", and you don't need as much of a vertical sweet spot. I believe I can get away with a higher cutoff frequency.
  3. but you'll lose the low frequency directivity control. The point of Malcolm was to have the wide array at LF and the narrower at crossover to the horn so horizontal pattern control stays relatively uniform to below 500hz. Three rows of two just gives a lot of woofers. It would help reduce effective ctc at crossover to the horn though.
  4. Agreed, but most people don't have room for a 30" wide freestanding left and right speaker, or at least me. What I am looking to make is a substitute for a 12 to 15" driver pro midbass driver. Six of the Aura speakers are only $36, much less than an good pro driver. As you said have said, the midrange is excellent and the efficiency rivals pro drivers.
  5. Guess that makes sense then. Will probably get better vertical than with a big pro woofer, too.

  6. What about two rows of three, with some power-tapering on the outer four?
  7. This is possible, but I don't see a way to do this without a complete overhaul of the crossover. The current design relies on two drivers in parallel at 4 ohms at crossover. That's what makes this design so versatile. Two midbass for the surrounds, 4 for the center, 6 for the left and right without major changes to the crossover.
    You could do 4 across with two below for the left and right. You would need a larger value for L4, as the width would lower the BS frequency.
  8. I just realized this might be possible as an M*3TM*3. This would give improved pattern control in the vertical axis as well. I do believe the crossover to the waveguide is too high for this without lobing issues however.
  9. this may be a dumb question but is is possible to design a center that is shorter? instead of putting the horn over the mids, put them to the left and the right of it?
    would be beneficial to those that don't have the height to work with under their screen/TV
  10. That would leave make big horizontal coverage problems (the CTC between the woofers would be very large) and there would be bad lobing and nulls occuring. With a wide horn, you pretty much need the woofers below (or above, but not both) to keep decent continuous directivity. Unless you do a Unity/Synergy, where the woofers are inside the horn (but construction is much more difficult).
  11. i knew there was a reason,
  12. My Daniel is up and running. Bill, you nailed the crossover according to my Omnimic. I watched "Hunger Games" and vocal was pretty good. My wife thought the bass was gone. Audessey crossed it at 100hz, whereas the old speaker crossed at 50hz.
  13. How big is the box?
  14. The box is sealed. 3/4 inch ply. External 15 x 15 x 9.5, .844 cu.ft. with a window brace. The predicted Qtc was .673 and the measured was .745.

    Attached Files:

  15. Hmm. Wonder if the perceived loss of bass is from the smaller box? Matt's seemed to have decent bass but his box was about twice that volume.
  16. First off, my wife may be a bigger bass freak than me. ;D The Qtc suggests the volume should be OK.

    The drivers are new and have had no break in and won't get much excursion with a 100 hz XO. I think I will set the center to large and let them break in a little.

    I stuffed the cabs pretty heavily with fiberglass. Overstuffed perhaps???? You didn't mention stuffing in the writeup.
  17. We stuffed Matt's moderately and just with poly. You might take some out. Is your box against a wall or pulled out from it?
  18. It's 4 feet to the back wall. I do believe I'll remove some stuffing. Thanks.
  19. I really had it stuffed! ::) I removed at least 1/2 of it. It raised Qtc to .93 so your speculation about volume my well be the correct one and a new box may be in order. Response taken well below the axis of the waveguide with woofers above.

    Attached Files:

  20. for a center channel?

    It really should be up near a boundary, not out in open (bass energy tries to go around the box and backwards which mean less is going forward in a predictable way).
  21. That doesn't look bad, though..

  22. It's above the TV and the TV is kinda where it needs to be.
  23. I'm guessing there wont be kits for the Daniel? I am thinking of putting an order in for the woofers. Thinking about it. I think I may use them for my surrounds.
  24. Can you lower it so that it is nearer the screen? That would also improve the bass.

  25. Good thought! I can and I will try it.

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