Questions about near wall impact and 9.2 setup

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by jdaddieo, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Just upgraded from a 7.2 system to a Yamaha RX-A2030 9.2 receiver and renovating my front sound stage to incorporate front height presences speakers along with upgrading my LCR's and I'm debating on the Alchemy MTM's or the 88 specials for the LCR. I only have 9" currently behind my 106" diagonal AT screen,(currently using Pioneer Elite SIW571L inside custom built box's for LCR's mounted on back wall) but can move the screen out about 4"-6" more without too much trouble. Room is 15' w x 13' 6' deep x 7' 9" ceiling and treated with 2-7' tall corner bass traps and 4-2 x 4 GIK wall panels. Erich from DIYSG has helped me zero in on these 2 speaker kit's with the 88's getting the top recommendation. One of my concerns is about the impact of the back wall being so close and minimal toeing in of the L and R and tight spacing between cabinets. Will this be an issue? The other concern is with the 9.2 set-up regarding the use of wave guide speakers. What type of speaker would work with this setup and would a "wide" placement be better along the front side up high or are they even needed?

    Thanks for any input you might have!

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