SEOS Dayton-12 and the others listed under other waveguild speakers

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by kevin007, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Erich,

    I just wanted to check up with you to see when you might have the info and kits available for the SEOS Dayton-12 and the other kits listed under "other waveguide speakers". Not that I am in a hurry to buy at the moment. I just like to plan things out ahead of time.

    Also can any of the designs other than the SEOS Dayton 12 be built as a tower speaker. I would love to have a pair of hard hitting high quality tower speakers in my living room. I fact I had considered two pairs of towers in a Audyssey DSX L-R L-R wides setup.

    What do you think?

    Thank you,


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